Back from Finland: Updates, podcasts, and more!

September 03, 2024


How have you been? I just got back from a week off. I spent it with Anna and Taylor in Finland, visiting my family.

I know, it’s been a while since my last email. Whenever that happens, I start thinking, "Time to find a new email marketing tool!" This old post, "New tools don’t always equal productivity," is a good reminder for me when those thoughts pop up.

Work has been keeping me busy, and once it’s done, the last thing I want to do is spend more time in front of my computer. We’re in the middle of rebuilding our tool that providers use to communicate with caregivers, write visit notes, and view patient info. It’s been awesome to collaborate directly with doctors on the design.

My office was featured again, this time on Maker Stations. If you’re curious about my setup and the tools I use, go check it out.

Tomorrow, I’m chatting with Matt, a subscriber (!), for his podcast Matters of Creative. It’s been a while since I last did a podcast, so I’m excited. I’ll share the episode once it’s out. If you have a podcast and want to chat, just hit reply!

I’ll wrap this up by saying I do have ideas for new posts; it’s just about finding the willpower to actually write them. Expect something soon!
