A question never asked is never answered

May 13, 2024


How are you doing? I can’t complain, writing this email from my garden where the sun is shining and Taylor is sleeping.

One thing that I sincerely love is when my newsletter subscribers reach out with a question. It is rather affirming to know that you are not only curious enough to read my writings, but to also reach out with great questions that others, most likely, share.

So, this week, I chose to answer one of those subscribers, Francisco, in a full post instead of just a reply. His questions actually get to the heart of what it means to start in the UX field and how to make sure your portfolio works FOR you.

A question never asked is never answered


  1. I was reminded by this old post the other day, and unfortunately, it’s still true.
  2. I love, love, Aaron Rolston’s Handbook for working with me. I should copy it, but as I’ve just copied his way of including AI generated images, I’ll hold off (for now).
  3. The rise of the remote husband - hello, it’s me!