A Modest Guide to Productivity

April 27, 2018

A person is not a brain driving a meat robot; it all runs together. If work is stymied, ask: are you eating clean? Getting enough sleep? Did your heart pump more than a sloth today? Start with your body, not your work methods. Trust me.A Modest Guide to Productivity

This is a great variation of what I was aiming for in 'New Tools Don't Always Equal Productivity'. Frank, one of my favorite designers/writers, really hits the head of the nail here. Whenever I'm stressed out or can't seem to be able to do good work I occasionally believe it's because I don't have a great to-do list app or missing a Sketch plugin. Most of the time, a workout, a Headspace session, a walk with my dog or a good meal takes care of it. We should learn to turn to these things more often.