My #1 Piece of Advice to Freelancers: Lean Into The Moment

April 16, 2018

I worked longer than an 8-hour day on Monday because I felt it. I had a lot of work and I wanted to work. I wanted to crank it out and get a ton done. And when Tuesday came around, even though I had planned to work, something pulled me elsewhere. Instead, I leaned into that. And that Tuesday afternoon? I still got everything done I wanted to do in that day.

See, when you’re a freelancer, you don’t have to set daily goals. You have the luxury of setting weekly goals because you control your schedule. When you get those goals done during the week is up to you. It doesn’t have to happen Monday-Friday, 9–5. You have the ability to lean into the rest of your life, on your time, unlike “full-time” workers.My #1 Piece of Advice to Freelancers: Lean Into The Moment

If it's one thing I want to work on and become better at it's precisely this. I'm great at getting a ton done but I always get this feeling on insecurity when I do something else besides working (especially if it's like 2pm on a Wednesday).