Imagine a world without ads targeted by personal information

January 22, 2019

Elephants wouldn’t be killed for their tusks if there wasn’t a demand for ivory. We can do all sorts of things to discourage poachers, but as long as the market is there, the killings will continue.

Likewise, the flood of privacy scandals involving Facebook, ad exchanges, and other privacy poachers all tie back to the same root cause: Personal information is valuable because we use it to target ads.

But what if you couldn’t do that? Then the personal information would cease to have value, and the flood of privacy scandals would stop (or at least greatly diminish).

The world of commerce spun around just fine in the era before ads could be targeted by personal information. When ad buyers would place their spots based on context. Got a new car to sell? Put an ad on a website that talks about cars. Maybe it wasn’t as efficient, or maybe it was. Either way: The societal price we pay for allowing ads to be targeted is far too high.
Imagine a world without ads targeted by personal information

Not mentioning the fact that even these 'targeted' ads more often than not are poorly executed and irrelevant. After searching for headphones online, I'm bombarded with headphone ads weeks after I already bought a pair (when it's very unlikely I'm in the market for a second pair).